1. Jump on the ice with staring goalie leading the way.
2. 2 Capts. warm up goalies from mid-slot (3 shots in 5 Spots)
A) left low B) Right low C) Glove D) Blocker E) Five-Hole
* Starting Goalie goes through two times
3. During that time 3rd captain leads 2 hard laps each way (1 backward/1 forward) 2 minutes
4. Passing (Follow pass 3-touch) 2 minutes
5. 3-Line Shooting (Starting Goalie, Backup, 3rd, Starter Again) 3 minutes
6. 2v1's 2 Minutes
7. 5v0, 3v2 (Pass to D to start) 3 minutes
8. If time arc shot with skate
9. If time half circles sniping shots