Saturday, September 21, 2013

Letter from Coach Leonard

September 21, 2013
Dear the 2012-2013 Lake Placid Blue Bomber Players and Parents,
            I am writing this to inform all of you that I am officially not going to be joining Coach Clark and Coach Martin on the coaching staff for the upcoming Blue Bomber hockey season. I have started a new job in the last few weeks and I travel four days a week leaving me no time to volunteer much time in coaching. I will hopefully be able to help part time while I am home at practices, but you will not see me on the bench I have told a handful of players and parents of this news, but I really wanted to write it officially to inform anyone who has not heard. I would also like to thank all of you for making my first year in a real coaching position very enjoyable. To the players: you are a remarkable group of young men and extremely talented both on and off the ice. I had a blast working with all of you throughout the previous season. I hope you all keep up the hard work and continue to represent the Blue Bombers in a positive way on the ice, in the classroom, and in the community. Do not take high school hockey for granted because it will be over before you know it. If any of last year’s seniors see this I want to thank you as well and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. To the parents: Thank you for being such a supportive group. I know from my childhood years playing you guys dedicate a ton of time and money to let your kids play a remarkable sport. Keep up the support and I wish you the best as well. I am sure I will still see most of you throughout the season, but I will be watching the game where you do. Feel free to chat and ask for any advice throughout the season while I am watching the games able to.
            I would also like to thank Keith, Butch, Smiley, and the Lake Placid Central School for giving me the opportunity to be able to coach a great group of players. Blue Bomber Hockey pride is a great thing and I hope the tradition continues for years to come. Thank you all and I wish the best of luck to everybody involved in the upcoming season.


Joe Leonard